Concern amongst the electorate is spreading
But according to Bob Brown and the Greens
Most important is a gay’s right to a wedding
Interest rates are rising, inflation a threat
Financial uncertainty is widespread
But on the list of priorities drafted by the Greens
Number 1 is a gay’s right to wed
A government up to its neck in incompetence
And although it’s easy to be critical and disparage
Instead of governing with strong credible policies
Labor vacilates on the non-issue of gay marriage
Labor’s disastrous 'Home Insulation' scheme
Led to one of our great justice miscarriages
Lives and billions lost as they kowtowed to the Greens
Now the Greens new obsession is gay marriages
Cost of living pressures squeeze the family budget
Struggling families surviving on water and bread
But ask the Greens what really matters to voters
They say it’s a homosexuals right to be wed
As consumer confidence & retail sales are falling
We have a government & treasurer in denial
As they ignore the plight of the average Aussie
Just so gay people can walk down the aisle
In Labor’s desperation to appear ‘progressive’
As they allow minorities to start to get hold
They try to carry favour with the lunatic Greens
So gays can carry their husband over the threshold
Climate Change was once the Greens main obsession
Pursued with religious fervour & threats for our lives
But since the dodgy science has exposed that fraud
It's now about gay husbands & lesbian wives!
* Government debt, as at 21/11/10 is $172,701 Billion.
Source http://www.aofm.gov.au/