A comment assertive and unambiguous
“I will introduce a price on carbon next year”
A lie so grand, so dishonest and duplicitous
“It’s just hysteria stirred up by the opposition”
Was Swan’s clear and decisive remark
“This is the right thing to do” he now says
About the enormous tax on which he’s about to embark
Bob Brown, whose party won just one seat in the House
Stands tall and proud at the podium
With his deputy Julia by his side
He’s an image bound to incite odium
We have a liar as our Prime Minister
Inept, incompetent and dishonourable
She is a disgrace to the highest office in the land
As her behaviour becomes increasingly intolerable
A slave to the Greens, a slave to the factions
She’s modern Labor to a tee
A trail of debt & destruction in just 3.5 years
This shemozzle must stop, ASAP
To stand in front of this nation
And to speak with such brazen dishonesty
To say she doesn’t want to play ‘word games’
Is just cynical and corrupt polity
Cost of living pressures are hurting families
As Labor can’t manage the economies of scale
Labor’s solution to the pressures we face?
To tax the air we breathe in and exhale
Big fat lies will cut you down to size
Gillard, we’re sick of your blatant knavery
You and your party are gutless and inept
You lack dignity, honesty and bravery